Arbitration and Mediation are types of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”). Georgia is the best State in which to resolve a legal dispute. This is because properly mediated settlement agreements are enforceable under the law of Georgia, without regard for where the parties exist. In addition, what is said during ADR cannot be used against one another later. This is due to our confidentiality privilege which protects what is said in the ADR hearing or conference, except threats of bodily harm and child neglect. Georgia is on the cutting-edge of alternative dispute resolution.
ADR division of Major Brown Law works with parties needing help resolving disputes in several types of issues:
- Real estate disputes
- Business disputes, including international business disputes
- Intellectual property, including technology, writers, music and song
- Co-Parents, coparenting including parenting time, custody, support, education and more
- Divorce and Separation
- Personal property disputes
A co-parenting mediator helps parents initiate or update parenting schedules to establish successful visitation, parenting time and child support throughout your child’s childhood. Mediation allows the coparents to consider all aspects of your child’s needs, as you build a true plan for your child’s success. Another advantage of mediation is the avoidance of a lengthy court process. We offer contact-free live remote mediation for co-parents. Do whatever you can to ensure your child receives the benefit of quality parenting time with each parent, in a safe environment. Call 678-761-0154 to schedule an arbitration or mediation with our trained State registered arbitrator or mediator (neutral).
Arbitration and mediation rates per party:
Neutral 2 party 3 party 4 party
Zainab Brown 450/hr 200/hr 185/hr
Zainab Brown $6,000 per day