Zainab M Brown, Attorney, Mediator and Arbitrator

Probate Mediation

Are you trying to settle family inheritance issues without a lawsuit?

Try private mediation. The goal of mediation is to help families resolve their issues quickly and avoid expensive lawsuits.

Zainab Major Brown is a Georgia attorney. Throughout the U.S., Zainab is an arbitrator and mediator for inheritance, probate estates, real estate, divorce and coparenting issues.

Probate mediation is a neutral process that can help resolve issues during the probate process. An outside mediator facilitates the process through open dialogue, negotiation, and an understanding of the consequences of litigation. The goal is to help all parties reach a mutually-acceptable agreement. 

Probate mediation can be a good option for families because it can be more affordable and timely than litigation. Litigation can be expensive and time-consuming, and it can also lead to lasting bitterness. Mediation can provide a safe, structured environment where everyone can share their opinions and clarify their needs and interests. It can also help minimize anger and bitterness by giving everyone a seat at the table. 

Mediation can be arranged privately by the parties. Mediation can also be court-ordered or happen during the probate process. It can be an attractive alternative to litigation in situations where: 

  • The parties have an ongoing personal relationship
  • The parties have communication problems
  • Emotional issues may make settlement difficult
  • The parties want to retain control over the outcome of the case
  • Privacy issues are important to the parties

Some say that it’s important to work with a qualified and impartial dispute resolution attorney to ensure a fair outcome for all parties. 

More About Mediation

Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”).   Georgia is the best State in which to resolve a legal dispute.  This is because properly mediated settlement agreements are enforceable under the law of Georgia, without regard for where the parties exist.  In addition, what is said during mediation cannot be used against one another later.  This is due to our mediation privilege which protects what is said in the mediation, except threats of bodily harm and child neglect.  Georgia is on the cutting-edge of alternative dispute resolution. 

The ADR division of Major Brown Law has licensed professionals who are Mediators, registered Georgia Neutrals,.  Our mediation division works with parties needing help resolving disputes in business, including real estate.

Zainab Brown, Mediator 

Balanced Solutions Oriented Conflict Resolution

People work through disagreements in favor of successfully moving forward.  This is done in a comfortable setting.  My techniques usually lead to resolutions in under 12 hours.  With goodwill on all sides a 2 to 4-hour resolution may by all that is needed.  This allows all participants to reach an agreement that is binding and enforceable, while avoiding costly court litigation.

Work Outs or Get Outs

I specialize in creative outcomes, generally finding the way forward that can meet everyone’s necessary goals.


When it’s time to separate, mediation is a way to reach a fair deal, without heated discussions.  When you can no longer work together this service guides the partners to a favorable outcome that is documented to protect against potential liability.

High Rate of Success

So long as there are goodwill negotiations, we are able to work out a resolution where everyone involved wins.

When Goodwill is Lost

When business relationships deteriorate beyond the point of being able to communicate (even with a mediator), it is important to assert your legal rights.  My service helps organize the case and refer you to a business lawyer in your jurisdiction.

Options for Resolving Business Partnership, LLC, and Corporate Problems:

  1. My guidance facilitates a meeting which includes all partners, officers, or members.  The atmosphere remains professional, clam and resolution oriented, allowing each participant to be heard.
  2. The mediated agreements are drafted into written mediated agreements and resolutions.  Thereby converting your agreement into a binding contract that is recognized and upheld in a court of law.
  3. Negotiation of partner buy-outs and separation to obtain a fair agreement.

The service is very straight-forward.  It is provided on an hourly basis, using a live video platform.

Call Zainab (678) 761-0154.

Member of the State Bar of Georgia, American Bar Association (ABA), Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys (GABWA), Georgia Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL), Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution (GODR), Atlanta Realtors Association, Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) Salesperson, PMP Project Management Institute, CEH Certified Ethical Hacker EC-Council, Microsoft Certified IT Professional, COMPTIA Certified IT Professional, Accredited by the Veterans Administration for veterans claims representation. JD, MS, BA, U.S. Navy retired

Contact us at 678-761-0154 to begin the dispute resolution process.

Neutral mediation rate per party:

Neutral                   2 party      3 party      4 party

Zainab Brown        450/hr      200/hr     185/hr

Zainab Brown  $6,000 per day